March for Biodiversity
Saturday April 01, 2023 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
On Saturday 1st April there will be a march through Exeter city centre to draw attention to, and demand action on, the biodiversity crisis. The UK is one of the most nature depleted countries in the world.
The approx running order for the action is…
– Gather in Southernhay, the large grass area just north of Exeter Climate Hub (EX1 1GT), at around 10.30am
– Start to march around 11am.
– March with the samba band via Paris Street and High Street, ending up in Bedford Square at around 11:30am, where there will be a surprise action!
Please come and join in – bring any banners and wear any costume that relates to the biodiversity crisis. The more the better.
The march will be less than half an hour and is on flat roads. Disabled toilets are available very close to Bedford Square.