Biodiversity Action Design Workshop
Saturday February 18, 2023 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

The Exeter Biodiversity group is planning a mass action, to be coordinated with rebels from across the South West, to take to the April Rebellion in London. If you are interested in choreography, costume design, coordinated soundscapes, or action logistics, please come along to this Action Design Workshop on Saturday the 18th of February from 3pm to 5pm at the Climate Action Hub (40 Bedford Street, Princesshay, EX1 1GJ). All Welcome.
Our initial proposal is a Silent Spring performance:
> A large group of people, some dressed as giant colourful birds and insects, other wearing colourful clothes, holding flags and banners depicting various species of birds, insects, mammals, etc. In the background, speakers play bird songs and other nature sounds, people are chanting, maybe drummers can accompany the movement with gentle but uplifting beats. Then suddenly…
> All the people in costume « drop dead » on the floor, all the colourful clothes become dull grey, all the sounds stop, all the flags become black or crossed out by a stripe of red fabric, some display the percentage of species that disappeared. Everything becomes grey and silent.
FaceBook event: