Congratulations and Farewell to the Climate Action Hub – Bring and Share Food
Thursday August 10, 2023 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

XR Exeter has had a hugely successful year at the Climate Action Hub. Sadly, the lease is now expiring (though a search is underway for alternative premises), so we are combining a “Farewell to the Hub” with celebrating our time at 40 Bedford Street with a Bring and Share Food sociable gathering and a relaunch of general meetings.
Come together at the Climate Hub one last time. All members of working groups and all other rebels, potential, lapsed, or even if until now you have “just” been an interested onlooker, everyone is welcome. Let’s make 10.08.23 a hot date and strengthen our connections as a community.
We’ll have time for socialising around food, a big circle discussion to hear everyone’s input, and breakout groups to focus on our plans for what comes next. Looking forward to seeing you there.
Venue: Exeter Climate Action Hub, 40 Bedford St, EX1 1GJ