Events in Exeter for those who are unable to make it to London for THE BIG ONE.

The more people who can attend THE BIG ONE in London between 21st and 24th April, the harder it will be for the Government and the media to ignore, so please consider coming if possible. There are transport subsidies available and camping and indoor accommodation will be arranged.

However, if you are not able to get to London, there are some supportive events in Exeter over the weekend of 21st – 24th April.

🌍 The Great Imagining – a programme of workshops, presentations and events to examine a systems thinking approach to the climate crisis. Held at the Exeter Climate Action Hub.
Saturday 11am to 4pm plus at 5pm for an Earth Day Vigil
– Sunday 11am to 3pm.

🌍 Vigil in Bedford Square, Princesshay, Exeter, on Friday April 21st from 12pm – 1pm.