Hello Exeter Rebels
The last two newsletters have had a corrupted link to book tickets for the Cl!mate Fresk Workshop. Apologies to any that have been faced with a message asking you to log in and congratulations to those that managed to work around it and book a ticket. We have now set up an EventBrite page to make booking the tickets much more straightforward. Although tickets are free, because space is limited it is highly recommended to book a ticket.
For those that are uncertain of what a Climate Fresk workshop is:
Cl!mate Fresk Workshop
10.30am, Saturday 4 March, Climate Action Hub.
Want to help tackle climate change but don’t have the time to become a climate scientist?
In just 3 hours, the collaborative Cl!mate Fresk workshop will teach you the fundamental science behind climate change and empower you to take action.
In order to take action and build solutions, we first need to understand the problem. Cl!mate Fresk is the most powerful tool for providing a quality climate education that is accessible to anyone and can be scaled quickly within an organisation or community.
This is the second Cl!mate Fresk workshop to be held at the Hub, we will be running them regularly, training more facilitators and taking them out to local businesses.
This is a three hour workshop, doors open at 10:30 and the workshop will start at 11:00 ending by 14:00. Places are limited, so please book a ticket at no cost.
While we don’t charge for the workshop to enable anyone to attend, we do ask for donations on the day towards the cost of running the Hub.
More info on Cl!mate Fresk here: https://climatefresk.org/
Keep an eye on the local website and Facebook page for updates between newsletters.