Mothers’ Rebellion

Join the Exeter Mothers’ Rebellion peaceful protest outside the Barclays in Bedford Square at 11.30am on Sunday 17th September as part of the global Mothers’ Rebellion climate movement –

Supported by XR Families, XR Educators, Health for XR and XR Psychologists.


🌸 All peaceful protestors welcome – this action is inclusive for all those who care about children’s future in a time of climate chaos regardless of age, gender or whether they have children of their own.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 We will meet at 11.30am and aim to have formed a circle by 12pm, all sitting facing outwards holding personal placards “I am here for…” (the future for children, names of children, health issues, victims of climate disasters etc.)

🧘🏾 We will maintain the circle for 1 hour. There will be an opportunity for those who wish to say a few words about why you are participating.

🤖 Children are welcome and encouraged to play inside the circle. Please bring a toy and/or a picnic blanket to share.

🪑 For those not wishing to sit on the ground for an hour please bring a chair/stool/cushion.