Teignmouth Blue Plaque Unveiling – Dirty Water Campaign
Saturday January 28, 2023 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

On Saturday 28th January Ocean Rebellion will be unveiling a blue plaque in Teignmouth to highlight the fact that Anne Marie Morris, the MP for the Newton Abbot constituency which includes Teignmouth, voted to block a law which would have placed a legal duty on water companies to reduce the discharge of raw sewage into our rivers, seas and waterways. Read more about it here.
This issue affects everyone – from water-focused groups such as wild swimmers, anglers, surfers, boaters, stand up paddle boarders, and kayakers; to nature groups including Wildlife Trusts, educational and organic businesses and concerned citizens.
11.00 AM – Gather at Little Triangle Teignmouth by fountain and Luders Patisserie (and join the #SitForClimate for 10 minutes if you wish)
11.10 – 11.30 AM – Process through town centre to the Back Beach by the Ship Inn via town centre – Waterloo Street, Den Road, Bank St, Somerset Place (art quarter).
11.30 – 12.00 AM (approx) – Talks and unveiling of a Blue Plaque by Ship Inn to highlight negligence of our MP who chose on Oct 2021 to vote against an amendment to the Environment Act to bring legislation to clean our rivers of sewage discharges.
There will be local speakers also so please come along and protest about ongoing sewage discharges in the Teignmouth area and throughout the UK. Stay on for a chat at Ship Inn, if you wish!