The Media – its role in the climate and ecological crisis, and what to do about it
Thursday February 16, 2023 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Date and time – Thursday 16th February at 7pm
Venue – The Climate Action Hub, 40 Bedford Street, Princesshay, EX1 1GJ
Caspar Hughes, co-director of the Climate Media Coalition, will be talking about the role the media plays in the climate crisis, and what we can do about it. The Climate Media Coalition say “without confronting and tackling the media pillar we won’t be able to meet our climate targets of a safe and peaceful future for our children. The global media needs to be inspired to take the climate emergency as seriously as the western media took the second world war, as the existential stakes for nature and humanity are now far higher.”
This talk will be followed by a Q&A and then we will split into smaller groups to discuss what we can do locally, and encourage nationally, to navigate the negative impact the media has on persuading the government to focus on decarbonising the economy and taking urgent action on the climate crisis.