XR Exeter Biodiversity Group Action Planning
Saturday January 07, 2023 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

The Exeter XR Biodiversity Group wants to raise the profile of the ecological crisis, alongside the climate crisis, at the April Rebellion, by organising a day dedicated to wildlife. With flags, banners, fancy dress, actions raising awareness of biodiversity loss, the industries and government policies causing it, and the solutions; the campaign to make ecocide and international crime, and the wildlife protections we need.
To achieve this, we need a group to come together with ideas, to make contacts with other groups nationally, and bringing together all of your different skills; from admin and organising to arts and crafts, from meeting facilitation to social media messaging. This is an opportunity to learn and work together with others on a project to hold the government accountable for their failure to protect nature.
To get involved with the Exeter XR Biodiversity Group, come along to the meeting at 10:00 am Saturday the 7th of January at the Climate Action Hub, (40 Bedford Street, Princesshay, EX1 1GJ) or email biodiversity@extinctionrebellionexeter.org for more info or asking to join our newsletter.